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Do Tulku Rinpoche's Schedule

Like everything, this schedule is in constant change. So it is worth to have a look at it every now and then.

Bandeiras de oração tibetanas

At Arya Tara's net

At Arya Tara's net and other centers

Sept 1st 2024 

Arya Tara's Net • Online

☞ Stories of Liberation: Atisha

Sept 12th 2024

Rubin Museum, New York (US)

☞ Mindfulness Meditation

Sept 13th 2024

Tibet House, New York (US) • On site & Online

☞ The Lojong of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Sept 16th 2024

Tibet House, New York (US) • On site & Online

☞ Introduction to Vajrayana

Sept 17th 2024

Private Loft, New York (US) • On site & Online

☞ Practice Vs. Meditation - 6pm
Please, for details and registration, email

Sept 19th 2024

Pema Khandro Ling, Santa Fe (US)
☞ What is Karma?

Sept 20th 2024 

Pema Khandro Ling, Santa Fe (US)
☞ Bardo and Rebirth

Sept 24th 2024 

Pema Khandro Ling, Santa Fe (US)

☞ Interdependent Causation in the wheel of life

Sept 21st 2024 

Tsechen Namdrol Ling, Jemez Springs (US)

☞ H.H. Sakya Trinchen's birthday Celebration

Sept 22nd 2024 

Tsechen Namdrol Ling, Jemez Springs (US)

☞Non-Differentiation of Samsara and Nirvana

☞Mahakala Puja

Sept 23rd 2024 

Tsechen Namdrol Ling, Jemez Springs (US)

☞Tse-thar & Tsa Tsas' Return to the Elements of Nature

Sept 27th 2024

Shambhala Center, Boulder (US) • On site & Online

☞ The Paradox of the Two Truths: Relative and Ultimate

Spet 28th & 29th 2024 

Shambhala Center, Boulder (US) • On site & Online

☞ Buddha Nature and Bodhicitta: The Fabric of our Mind and its Qualities

Oct 6th 2024 

Arya Tara's Net • Online

☞ Stories of Liberation: Dromtönpa

Oct 18th 2024 

Arya Tara's Net • Online

☞ Stories of Liberation: Dromtönpa's main disciple

Oct 25th to 27th 2024 

Karma Tashi Ling (Norway)

☞ Open teaching on compassion

Diamond Sutra

☞ “Parting from the Four Attachments” 

Nov 3rd 2024 

Arya Tara's Net • Online

☞ Stories of Liberation: Geshe Chekawa 

Dec 22nd 2024 

Arya Tara's Net • Online

☞ Stories of Liberation: Ngulchu Thogme

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